what is all this about…
I take politics personally! But I think everyone should. I’d like to see as much interest and hoopla around City Council and Mayoral races as we see in the presidential race. After all, the president very much needs Congress to pass an agenda and House representatives for your city, your district, directly affect your life in a very real, very personal way. The more local, the more personal. Over the years, I have watched clips of folks providing the craziest answers to some of the most basic questions. Most lead me to belive that they don’t really understand the process, know how government actually works, or what these representatives vote for on their behalf – other than what is fed to them on mainstream television. I would love to see a more informed electorate. I intend to use this site as a source of information sharing and educating (as much as I possibly can) about our government, how it’s structured, and how very personal the political really is.
Let’s enjoy this journey together!

My favorite quotes:
We have more in common than what separates us!
The Power of the People is stronger than the people in power!
Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor.